What episode does Megumi use Domain Expansion? In this blog, let me walk you through the episode where Megumi used Domain Expansion for the first time.
Domain Expansion is an advanced technique that allows its user to create an entirely new space that traps their target inside using a barrier wall. Once it is activated, the user’s cursed techniques become amplified and unavoidable.
The manifestation of Domain Expansion varies depending on the sorcerer. It can be lethal or non-lethal, and it can also be incomplete just like Megumi’s Chimera Shadow Garden.
Although it is still incomplete, Megumi’s Domain Expansion has proved to be powerful enough to defeat a Finger Bearer. How? Let me explain.
What is Megumi’s Domain Expansion?
Megumi’s Domain Expansion is called Chimera Shadow Garden. Its incomplete form floods the area with liquid-like shadows allowing the user to summon and manipulate multiple shikigami at the same time.

Since his Domain Expansion is yet to be completed, Megumi’s attacks inside Chimera Shadow Garden are not guaranteed to hit the target. However, the liquid-like shadow causes the target to sink and impedes their movements. The target must concentrate their cursed energy on their feet or else they will slowly sink into the abyss.
What Episode Does Megumi Use Domain Expansion?
Megumi first used Domain Expansion in Episode 23 during his fight with a Finger Bearer. Realizing that the enemy is far stronger than him, Megumi decided to go beyond his limits by envisioning a stronger version of himself and manifesting an incomplete form of Chimera Shadow Garden.

As a result, Megumi started to bleed profusely since activating Domain Expansion requires an immense amount of cursed energy. However, manifesting Chimera Shadow Garden proved to be worth it as Megumi eventually gained the upper hand against the Finger Bearer.
The Finger Bearer was practically immobile inside Chimera Shadow Garden. Megumi, on the other hand, used the liquid shadow to his advantage which greatly enhanced his mobility. Several frogs grabbed onto the Finger Bearer, and while it was distracted, Megumi took the opportunity to land a powerful kick to the enemy.

The Finger Bearer countered by shooting a concentrated arrow of cursed energy that hit Megumi straight through the head. Upon seeing that Megumi was nowhere to be found, the Finger Bearer thought that its previous attack defeated the young sorcerer.
But in reality, Megumi outwitted the Finger Bearer. The truth is he created a fake shadow substitute in order to make it look like he had died from the attack. Once the Finger Bearer was off guard, he sneaked behind it and dealt the final blow that defeated it once and for all.
How Many Times Did Megumi Use Domain Expansion?

So far, Megumi has used Domain Expansion on three separate occasions. First, during his fight with the Finger Bearer in Episode 23 of the anime. Second, during the Shibuya Incident in Chapter 108 when he tried to enter Dagon’s Domain Expansion. And third, during the Culling Game in Chapter 170 when Megumi used Domain Expansion to fight Reggie Star and Iori Hazenoki.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Purpose of Domain Expansion?

To put it simply, a Domain Expansion is like a buff in video games. It enhances the user’s abilities and gives them an upper hand in battle. Activating Domain Expansion basically increases a sorcerer’s chance to win a fight.
Can All Sorcerers Use Domain Expansion?

Domain Expansion is an extremely difficult technique to master which is why there are only a few sorcerers who can use it. Even grade 1 sorcerers have a difficult time learning the technique.
Who Has the Most Powerful Domain Expansion?

Gojo’s Unlimited Void is undoubtedly the most powerful Domain Expansion in the series although Sukuna’s Malevolent Shrine is a close second. Inside Unlimited Void, the target is incessantly flooded with boundless raw information, making them paralyzed and die a slow death. It’s really over once you get trapped in Gojo’s Unlimited Void. Even Nanami refers to it as an almost-guaranteed win.